
Blown off

A couple of weeks ago, I asked someone to go out with me, Yes, like on a date-date type of thing. Actually, I like the person and the person liked me back (which by the way is a rarity) and I was more than looking forward to spending time with someone, out on a date, with a small possibility of being more than just a friend. Who knows? maybe even consider on taking it to the next level. I really had my hopes up for this one but that's until the unthinkable happened.

On the day we were supposed to go out, I ended staying up later than usual, I fell asleep very late in the afternoon, it's not that I don't sleep or don't like sleeping but I tend to sleep long hours, especially when I'm tired from work and nothing, i mean nothing would wake me up, well, not the alarm on my phone at least.

So I woke up after what seemed like only a few hours of sleep and checked the messages on my cellphone. There was a message from my supposed date, It was a simple goodnight message and I wondered why, it took a few seconds and then it struck me, my phone's clock says 04:30 a.m, I just f*ckin' slept through the entire night and blew my date off! I couldn't believe myself, I mean how unfortunate can this be right? I couldn't really think of anything else to do, so I resorted into sending a message with my lame-ass excuse of falling asleep, of course I asked for forgiveness only to be replied with a "who's this?" message.

Harsh, right?

Apparently not harsh enough that i didn't get the hint, and being my sometimes dense and persistent self, I asked why he deleted my number and proceeded to introduce who I am, or was in this case.

I received a reply on my inquiry after a few hours and It said.
"Hi. I was in a meeting. You asked me why I deleted your number? it's simple, that's because I don't like my plans being blown away."

Ouch! Wait until you finish reading the next part.

Yesterday, I learned the hard way that my Boracay trip would not push through for reasons I don't even want to explain, and just as I was recovering from the humiliation of not being allowed to board the plane going to my dream summer vacation, I received an unexpected call from an unexpected person ( I'm inserting this because some people get confused - it's not the same person ) and I was asked to go out, not really on a date but I was asked to go out and meet up none the less. I couldn't say no because we had a special "past" and so I accepted the invite not out of vulnerability but of longing.

A couple of hours passed and I didn't receive any updates, this was after exchanging a few text messages after our conversation. I thought maybe it's a little later, like gimmick time which usual starts midnight.

So I waited, and waited, and waited and fell asleep waiting and woke up past midnight already and I never received any message back from the person, and it hit me, I was being blown off. I dunno if deliberately, but I was stood up and it doesn't feel good and
I suddenly remembered how hateful it is when someone does it to you. It's that feeling of rejection once more, now I understand the reason behind the not so friendly treatment I got from the first person I mentioned.

I guess It doesn't matter whether If it was done on purpose or not. Shit happens right? However, it showed a lot about my character and it wasn't an admirable one.
I learned my lesson, Be a man of your words and believe me, I learned it the hard way.

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