
The drama of it all

Don’t you get tired with all the drama?

I do.

Sometimes though there are people who love the drama of it all, they tend to make it all about their selves when it comes to a lot of things. I just find it hideous and it’s a big waste of time. We all get our share of problems right? Sometimes it gets blown out of proportion either because of hormones, misunderstanding, taunting, uncontrolled anger or just plain immaturity.

A lot of times, we’re better off minding our own business. Yes it’s better living the life in that very moment and enjoying every minute of it but there has to be times when you have to look back at where you came from and who you met along the way and maybe re-assess your priorities, otherwise you might end up losing yourself, your own identity and the people you love.

In the end all that really matters is that you have respect for yourself and for others and this could be the biggest cliche but really, don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you.

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