
Student at 26 syn. Jobless at 26

In my dictionary: Student - a scholar, a person who attends a school, college or university
syn. jobless and/or poor. Colloquial terms may include, broke as a barber, penniless, poor as a rat etc.

I give up.

For days I've been trying to avoid checking the pictures out, but at times, curiosity kills the cat or plain nosiness gets the best of us.

I'm now looking through pictures some of my friends posted of their recent visit to Bacolod, where they spent their entire weekend and experienced the Masskara festival, like i said, for days I've been trying to avoid checking the pictures out because I know for sure that I'll only end up being envious, not because they went without me but because I know how fun an experience it would have been with them.

I couldn't go for one simple reason, I had no money.

I've been living independently for almost five years now and I have been jobless for a while, although my parents have recently put me back to school, the responsibility of providing for myself is still mine. Unlike the more privileged, I am not getting any form of allowance from them and thanks to my endless nights of partying and days of splurging I've used up all my savings now, not to mention a few debts from friends here and there. Hence, all the plans to travel has been postponed.

Yes, being a bum's fun.You have your freedom back, freedom you've lost from all the time put into work. It's great especially if you have friends who are willing to pay your spot to spend time with you. Most especially fun if you have wads and wads of cash to spend at will, haha! Now that you're free, you can do anything you want, but going back to reality, when i say anything i mean anything within your means of-course. Naturally you can't be a bum for long as it is outweighed by the negative aspects of it and you can't be a bum especially if you can't afford to be one.

This is my dilemma. It's either I see myself as a student at age 26, one with an average of 8 years difference from most of my batch mates, (which explains why i hardly get along with any of them) a student without the perks of being one (i.e living with parents with matching allowance, free board and lodging and without all the responsibility and drama of being 26) or, I can be jobless at 26 who used to be earning this much but has traded being able to "afford" to being a thriving/starving student/gimikero in hopes of finally fulfilling a life long dream. Don't get me wrong, I really wanna it to work, but finding a job with a decent pay that would be flexible enough for my school schedule is proving to be tougher than I expected.

A hard choice it is my friends, one I think I am not ready to make, or do I have really have to? I don't think i have much choice here or maybe, I'm just ranting. :)