
Updates on a not so effective blogger

Two whole unpaid weeks off from work.

I had all the time in the world to make a decent blog and I couldn't come up with one. I once thought that I can probably make a living out of just writing my thoughts online but hell, it's a lot harder than i thought, not to mention that your target market if you blog here in multiply is kinda limited but what the heck, right? Ack!

Anyway, facebook has been keeping me company for the past two weeks, thank you to the genius of applications/games that I've been invited to and added, I'm now an official Mob Wars, Dope Wars and My heroes ability addict! Now they keep me glued to my PC for at least 6 hours, which roughly makes up about half the time I'm awake nowadays. If my Mom was not as much the computer game addict that she is, I would have been online for at least 12 hours. I usually just let her use it until she feels sleepy and then it's mine until I get tired of it.

I also rediscovered the remarkably enjoyable instant messaging, I get to keep in touch with people from Manila and the other parts of the world (yes, I have friends outside of this country) through MSN and Yahoo messengers.

In between playing and chatting, I check e-mails, Multiply, Friendster, Myspace and blogs that I religiously follow.

Here's my daily itinerary (not that I think anyone would care):

3-4pm: wake up
4-5pm: wonder around the house a bit and then eat my first meal.
5-10pm: watch the teevee. I've been watching TV patrol, The singing bee, Lobo, My girl. Yes, I'm a kapamilya not a kapuso. I also watch NatGeo, Lifestyle Network, etc, second avenue, HBO, Cinemax and starworld if there's anything interesting. I'm taking advantage of this being that i really don't have my own TV when I'm in manila. I also find time to play with my nephew Enzo.
10pm onwards: really, just about this time I can do anything from taking a nap, eating my 2nd and third meal of the day, midnight snacking, and yes, facing the computer and burning that DSL connection until I can, just like what I'm doing now.

It's almost 7:30 am and this is late for me, I usually sleep around 6 am.

Later today I'm bringing my lola to her therapist, so I'm waking up earlier than usual and tomorrow? MANILA here I come!!!

*** I swear I'm sooo excited to come back I'm getting butterflies in my stomach!


Reasons Enough

I've reached that point and I admit, just as Paulo Nutini put it plainly "I'm no wiser than the fool that I was before."

It's been more than two years of wishful thinking, secretly hoping and bittersweet torment.

It's an enriching part of my life, I'm glad to have experienced it.

I have but one regret, and that's holding on to someone who's so not worth it.

It's heart breaking that I didn't find what I was looking for but I discovered what I needed to know and these are reasons enough to ultimately move on.


Thanks 4 nothin'

Alrighty, this will be the third song that I'm posting, or shall i say lyrics.
I'm posting this for lack of words to say, it's about a certain person and some certain feelings i can't really put to words myself.

This song narrates it in an exaggerated kind of way, however, it captured how i felt and what i wanted to say.

So take sometime to read the lyrics, I think this applies to most of us anyway.

I can't even know what to say
I've been hurt I've been played
And I'm so shamed
I can't even cry it's that deep
You just lie and you cheat
Like it's nothin'

See you said that you loved me too
And so I trusted you
But I guess that subconsciously I knew
But I didn't wanna face the truth
That I was only being used
And you was just frontin'
Hey boy, thanx for nothin'

I never knew enough about you babe
And I guess I only have myself to blame
Now I'm broken-hearted and shattering
Cause you were just playin' a game

Nothin' anyone could do to convince me babe
I was livin' in a lie just a masquerade
Now I only know that I'll never be the same
But you were just playin' a game

Thanx for nothin'
You were just playin' a game

Every day and every night
I stay by the phone
Never go no place so just in case
You call I'll be home
Seems like what I do is
Think about our pseudo romance
While you're somewhere burnin' diesel
In the streets havin' laughs

Somebody say you know what I'm going thru
You been left with nothin' too
Too much you can't count on one hand
Singing 3,4,5,6
7 days a week you're drowning in tears
He was so insincere
Now you're layin' up in bed
Every night singing
Hey boy, thanx for nothin'

I never knew enough about you babe
And I guess I only have myself to blame
Now I'm broken hearted and shattering
Cause you were just playin' a game
Nothin' anyone could to convince me babe
I was living in a lie just a masquerade
Now I only know that I'll never be the same
But you were just playin' a game

So thanks for nothing...